When ordering, you choose the following:
1. Seat color
2. Black or Polished aluminum signal lights
3. Style of bar end mirrors
If you look at the pictures you will see:
1. All the steel brackets are powder coated gloss black.
2. All the hardware is included.
3. The seats have a steel base and covered with “thick” genuine leather.
4. The rear fender or “butt” is thermo formed from thick PETG plastic. It is primed with epoxy primer. Just sand lightly and paint!
5. The tail/stop and license lights are high quality LED’s. The signal lights are also high quality metal lights and have dual filaments. They are super bright and have bulbs which don’t require resistors.
We include everything to connect your lights to the bike. The video covers the installation as well as printed papers for reference. It’s super easy and fun!
- All Included in Kit
- Fender and Seat
- Lights
- Brackets and License
- Lights and Mirrors
We manufacture everything in the pictures, except the lights. We are located in Sandy, Utah and can be reached at
801 676-7889 or
Let your imagination run wild! Send a picture of your completed masterpiece. We will post it in our gallery for the entire world to enjoy.
Thanks so much, from your friends at Blue Collar Bobbers.
Our installation video, located just above the products, will show how easy they are to install. Be sure to click on the upper left hand corner of the video to see the list of videos to choose from.